Jul 06, 2023
ASTM International draws strength from the broad expertise and insights of its members, who possess diverse viewpoints and a wide range of experiences. As a result, committees and ASTM staff have recognized the value of mentoring new members, whether they are early-career professionals or seasoned industry vets just getting started on their ASTM journey.
New members can provide fresh insights and unique skillsets. They may be familiar with software, technologies, or other tools that will provide resources to committees. They may also bring perspectives that can strengthen operations and help committees become more efficient. Additionally, they have the potential to assume greater roles in the future, serving as technical contacts and committee leaders.
There are many ways committees can provide mentorship to new members. Some committees offer mentorship programs, which can connect new and more experienced members. Other committees have hosted orientation meetings or other social events at committee weeks. The best option will depend on the culture of a given committee.
ASTM also provides many resources for new members. Virtual member trainings are a good option for new and longtime members alike. The New Member Orientation and Training program is a particularly useful option, and there are additional trainings on ASTM standards, balloting, WebEx, event planning, and many other topics. Standardization News also regularly publishes articles that cover various aspects of the standards development process.
In addition, ASTM’s Emerging Professionals program provides an opportunity with long-term benefits for new members who have the potential to be industry and committee leaders. The program provides resources for up to ten candidates at select committee weeks, including round-trip airfare and accommodations, the opportunity to attend an Emerging Professionals Workshop, leadership development training, and more. To learn additional information about the program, visit: go.astm.org/emergingprofessionals. ■
ASTM International’s Regulations Concerning ASTM Technical Committees contains several provisions related to the election of committee officers. In addition to section 9.6, discussed below, Appendix A – “Guide for Preparing Committee Bylaws” contains additional information about committee elections.
9.6 Election of Officers – Each committee shall elect officers by a ballot concluded before December 31 of the odd-numbered years. Eligibility criteria, procedures, and time frame for the nomination and election of officers shall be prescribed in the committee’s bylaws. An announcement of the formation of the nominating committee and a request for the submission of candidates shall be made at the meeting preceding the final report of the nominating committee and the presentation of the slate of officers. Nominations from the floor will be accepted immediately following the presentation of the slate. The final slate of nominees, including their voting interests and classifications, shall be sent to ballot vote of the committee. ASTM Headquarters shall conduct the elections and report the results to the committee. The term of office shall be two years, beginning January 1 and terminating December 31 of the second year. Officers are eligible for election to not more than three consecutive terms in one office. No two officers of a committee shall represent the same voting interest. ■
July / August 2023