Mar 01, 2008
Mark Melkerson, director, Division of General, Restorative, and Neurological Devices of the Office of Device Evaluation within the Center for Devices and Radiological Health of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in Rockville, Md., received an ASTM International Award of Merit and the accompanying title of fellow, the highest organizational recognition for individual contributions to standards activities.
A resident of Montgomery Village, Md., Melkerson was honored "for dynamic and outstanding leadership in fostering the development and promulgation of surgical implant standards in ASTM Committee F04 on Medical and Surgical Materials and Devices."
An ASTM International member since 1989, Melkerson serves on several F04 subcommittees and is chair of Subcommittee F04.02 on Division II - Orthopedic Devices and co-chair of F04.93 on US TAG ISO/TC 150 - Implants for Surgery. For his many contributions to the committee, Melkerson has been recognized with the Emanuel Horowitz (Scientific American) Award, the Leroy Wyman Award and the Patrick Laing Award.
A graduate of Michigan State University in East Lansing where he received both a B.S. and M.S. in mechanical engineering, Melkerson has held various chief and director positions in the Office of Device Evaluation within the Center for Devices and Radiological Health/Office of the FDA since joining the staff as engineering officer in 1987. He assumed his current role in 2006.
Melkerson's career has focused on the regulation and mechanical testing of medical devices such as orthopedics, general surgery, plastic and reconstructive surgery, physical medicine and neurological devices, as well as the global harmonization of medical device regulations.
Release #7935