Certified Products
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We certify a broad range of safety and protective products for occupational and recreational safety, including:
- Additive manufacturing personnel, facilities, processes and feedstock products
- Athletic equipment - shin guards, gloves, lacrosse balls, baseballs
- Bomb suits
- Cannabis and hemp – producers, facilities, and labs
- CBRN protective ensembles - emergency response & law
- Commotio cordis body protectors – equestrian, baseball, softball, lacrosse
- Emergency eyewash and safety showers
- Emergency medical operations protective clothing
- Escape smoke hoods
- Fall protection equipment
- HAZMAT protective ensembles
- Fire service SCBA
- Fire helmets, boots and gloves for wildland, USAR, proximity, and structural firefighting
- Fire service life safety ropes
- Industrial safety eyewear, hard hats, boots, gloves and garments
- Law enforcement restraints, non-ballistic resistant helmets, ballistic-resistant shields, ballistic-resistant helmets
- Sports helmets - baseball, softball, cycling, equestrian, polo, football, lacrosse, skiing, snowboarding, bull riding
- Thermal imaging cameras
- Thermal insulation
- Two-way portable radios