
ASTM Standards Tracker®

How to Use ASTM Standards Tracker

Track Individual Standards
  • Search for a standard using the title or designation. Select pin icon in the top right of the standard’s page to add that standard to your tracker list. You will be prompted to log in or create an account.

Track Standards by ASTM Technical Committee
  • On the Tracker page, choose your technical committee using the dropdown list and select track. Track standards from one or several committees.

Add to or Change Your Tracker

Simply log in and visit the Tracker page to add, delete, and manage your tracked standards list.

Track by Committee, Work Item, and Industry

Once you're logged into Tracker, you can track by Technical Committee, Work Item, Industry and more. Choose as many items as you need.

Get Automatic Email Alerts

Once your selections are complete, you’ll begin to receive automatic email alerts when new, updated, amended, withdrawn or replaced documents related to your tracked standards/categories are available. Edit your selections at any time.