Standards & Publications
Standards Products

Annual Book of ASTM Standards
80+ volumes of 13,000+ ASTM standards, print or online with weekly updates and user tools
ASTM Compass®
Licensed digital access to ASTM and other standards, eBooks, journal articles, papers, workflow tools
ASTM Digital Library
Digital editions of every published ASTM technical book, paper, and journal article

ASTM Standards Tracker®
Free email alerts for the new or revised standards in your industry. Track individual standards or by ASTM technical committee.
Research Reports
If an ASTM test method features an interlaboratory study supporting the precision and bias statement, you’ll find it in a Research Report. Use this valuable information to improve test performance and troubleshoot.
What you’ll find in an ASTM Research Report:
List of participating laboratories
Description of samples
A copy of the laboratory instructions
Equipment/apparatus used
A statistical summary
Raw data
A copy of the precision and bias statement
The ASTM Digital Library, comprising nearly 60,000 chapters and papers, is available via the ASME Digital Collection, powered by the Silverchair platform.
Peer-Reviewed Symposia Papers & STPs
First-hand accounts of user experiences and opinions on improvements and future needs in their industries
Manuals, Monographs & Data Series
Practical, hands-on guidance on the proper application and interpretation of a standard
The latest developments in testing and evaluation, materials performance, geotechnical and civil engineering
Technical Reports
Critical insight on the need for a standard as well as the technology and research that led to its development